Thursday, 8 January 2009

Walking the imaginary dog

(Originally posted on November 26th, 2008)

tosca-and-angelika-croppedLooking at the picture of me holding our boxer dog, Tosca (she is no longer with us), reminds me of the joys and happy days we had with her, but also that I did not enjoy walking her. It was a case of no one really wanted to get out and walk her. So, it became mum’s job, which was particularly unpopular during cold and unpleasant weather.

Today is one of those days, cold, grey, rainy, dismal and the last thing I want to do is go out for my daily walk in the park. So I embark my duty exercise walk with my imaginary dog.

Actually it’s really not that bad at all as I walk with headphones firmly plugged in, listening to one of my favourite preachers, Bill Johnson, dressed warmly, and away I go.

park-walk-26-11-08-_-1-30I decided to take my camera with me, just to focus me on how pretty the park is despite the grey cold weather. Believe it or not, it was around midday when I walked and took the pictures.


park-walk-26-11-08-_-4-30There are all sorts of pretty features in that park, such as a pergola (or whatever you call this lovely seating area) which is very inviting on a warm and sunny day.

park-walk-26-11-08-_-11-30Then there is a small bird sanctuary. Poor little things probably were cold, too.


And then, well, there is the Café in the Park.

Deserted outside, but quite a few park walkers warmed themselves inside over a hot cup of something. Hmmm I did not succumb, but bravely soldiered on. One day, though, I just might …..


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