Saturday, 3 October 2009

Generations in Pink

Does anyone realise just how time consuming it is to build and design a website?? Well, as I am doing a night shift again, I decided to add a pink generation picture, which you can see below.

But let me quickly mention this, there are loads of exciting other beautiful pink happy blog posts listed Beverly’s Pink Saturday which she hosts at "How Sweet The Sound" . So, if you want a big dose of Happy Pink feelings, then visit all these wonderful blogs she has linked from her site.

Back to the generation pic. I have decided to dedicate the website (Journey of Intimacy) to my two beautiful daughters, and other women in my age group and theirs.

I made this collage of us three, Charis and my new daughter, Rose who was welcomed to the family because my son was smart enough to marry her, and myself in 1979. On that photo I was actually the very same age as my daughter Charis.

I am just so amazed about the difference that women were back then to nowadays. Here I see my two beautiful daughters, who are totally competent and confident professional career women. They don't 'need' men, but are with them out of choice. Of course my example is just mine, however, I just wonder how many other women of these age groups like mine and my daughters would be similar. I'd love to hear your stories, please.

Wishing you all a wonderful pinkilicious Saturday!


Nancy said...

It DOES take a long time to do a website, at least for me, too. Happy Pink Saturday!

♥Mimi♥ said...

Winter is just around the corner in my neck of the woods and I won't see much pink in my garden again until at least April so THANK YOU for the wonderful blog entry and for giving me a little pinkie-lift today!

Hoping that your weekend is filled with laughter and sunshine☺

Mary Bergfeld said...

What an interesting collage. You are all very beautiful. I hope you are having a wonderful Pink Saturday.

tracy said...

For me it take so long,just to make up my "little" blog...I cant imagine a full blown website!Ive even considered calling it quits...but I enjoy it so.Its a beautiful picture you've put together.
Happy Pink Saturday

Beth in NC said...

I can't imagine doing a web site. Want to teach me? hee hee JUST TEASING!

When I was young, I WISH I knew what I know now -- about Jesus, life, myself ... Sigh. Hind site ...

I was NOT confident NOR secure when I married at 22.

You really confused me about your two daughters. I thought, "Geli has TWO and I thought she had a son and daughter." Well duh.

Love ya!

Beverly said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Angelika.

This is a wonderful post. I agree that there have been so many changes to women over the years, and I think they have been good changes.

I love the symbolism of your collage. Three very unique women, but each share a common bond of love.

The Old Parsonage said...

Great photo collage. I like your take on women these days. I think these things too!


KayEllen said...

Happy pink Saturday...on Sunday!
I was working now it is catch up time of me:)

Website design has to be a labor of love...right now my website has a front page and that's it! lol...I guess I am more of a blogger for now...the website is sitting and waitng for me until I am ready to commit some TLC to it:)

Hang in there!Let me know when you finish I will stop by:)


Susie Jefferson said...

What a great picture. Lovely to see you all.

Re the website - people have no idea how time consuming they are. Seriously.

Happy Pink Saturday (sorry to be late, the computer is playing up yet again - keeps overheating so I have to keep turning it off. I'm getting nowhere fast!)

Regina said...

Great pink post!

Have nice week ahead.