No, I am not reducing Love to a mere metaphor, but each one of us experiences love differently.
I'm just curious ... what does Love mean to you, what needs to happen for you to experience and feel Love?
Here are some thoughts of others:
"Love is a many-splendored thing,
It's the April rose that only grows in the early spring,
Love is nature's way of giving a reason to be living,
The golden crown that makes a man a king.
Once on a high and windy hill,
In the morning mist two lovers kissed and the world stood still,
Then your fingers touched my silent heart and taught it how to sing,
Yes, true love's a many-splendored thing." (song from the 1955 film of the same title).
"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." 1 Corinthians 13 (New Living Translation)
"Love doesn't just sit there, like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new"
--Ursula K. Le Guin
"Love flies, runs, and rejoices;
it is free and nothing can hold it back."
--Thomas a Kempis
There are many beautiful posts listed on Beverly’s Pink Saturdaywhich she hosts at "How Sweet The Sound" all meant to make you feel cozy, happy, warm and loved. Please do visit them.
The whole idea of receiving an award, to me, is to keep giving it on. It's a way to say thank you to other blogging friends and honour them for their beautiful work.
I like to honour six ladies with this award. Please find their names and the links to their blogs at the end of this post.
First of all, I like to share some thoughts of some challenges I had today, and maybe it might serve as an encouragement to some of you dear readers:
Today was a 'funny old day' as they might say here in the UK, a day when 'pressing into a higher power' aka my precious Lord and Saviour was more necessary than at other days. A day of discouragement, I should say. A day when the distant cousin of Goliath ‘visited’ with all the intimidation, mockery and belittling with the sole purpose to make one not feel ever good enough.
I guess most of us have these people in our lives who seem to have that special assignment to suck all energy out and pull us down, often coupled with a need to control and manipulate with emotional blackmail as well ....
These situations can be painful, emotionally. But pain, the experience of hurt, is a fact of life, as Jesus put it: “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
I like the Message Translation for this scripture: “I've told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I've conquered the world.”
The Apostle Paul continued with that ‘theme’ (again from the Message Translation):
“We continue to shout our praise even when we're hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next. In alert expectancy such as this, we're never left feeling short changed. Quite the contrary—we can't round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit!” Romans 5:3
Yes, pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional! Suffering comes when situations beyond our control happen, when our life conditions don’t match the expectations or the model of what we hope our world to be, and we feel powerless to change it. However, that is precisely the time to remember: suffering is optional; we can chose to be of good cheer and peace, pressing into His Grace, because His Grace is sufficient, and He has conquered the world and all this misery. We may feel the pain, but we must rise into His rest and peace and not yield to the debilitating temptation of suffering. It is a choice!
So, how do I exercise that choice? I turn the volume up with anointed worship. Today, I needed to get into a warrior prayer storm first ... ya knows what I mean!! ... and that determined what style of worship I chose. It’s a labouring, striving therefore to enter into that rest (Hebrews 4:11), and yay! It’s so good when one pushes through that membrane or veil of hindrance to just ‘dissolve’ in His goodness and love! His plan of Love is bigger than our understanding of what’s going on. Thus we’re not powerless; we can, by choice, move in a different realm of reality. The Greater One in us has taken care of it; Goliath’s head (spiritually) rolls!
Well, it was, thus a lovely sweet surprise to find, this evening, Gracie having given me this unexpected gift of the award, but her words characterizing me as "a well traveled woman who is very wise", left me humbled with gratitude!
Oh, I nearly forgot .... In order to receive this award, there are some rules, apparently. I must reveal 6 things that you may not know about me. Well, I started putting this list together and it started to grow and got longer and longer. It became 6 Areas About Me that You May Not Know
However, I will quickly note down 6 things about me I might not have detailed in the above link (and then this post will also meet the requirements, too ... smile).
Just a little reminder, if you want to watch the YouTube videos full screen, click on the bottom right hand corner of each video .... and of course, to see the photos in their original size, just click on them. :-))
(1) I'm a passionate romantic
I could so easily forget about all work and just snuggle. I am a skin 'addict' I love touching skin, massaging and caressing skin, with fragrant oils, feathers, or a deliciously tantalising raindrop finger massage - and just loving on the owner of that skin ....
(2) I love music and sensuous dancing
.... especially Tango. There's something about a non-public dance, in the livingroom or wherever ....
(3) I love music, culture and art
To those who know me, it's no secret, I am a huge Al Di Meola fan! Hence chosing this video comes as no surprise.
However, my music interest spans very wide. Not just jazz (esp. Latin Jazz Fusion), but also classical (esp. baroque) and many, many more styles. Not keen on rap, hip hop and country (sorry).
(4) I love travelling seeing the world, experiencing different cultures. Kind of ties in with the previous point.
especially Southeast Asia and beyond ....
(5) I love my friends and enjoy entertaining at home
I should really take more photos of my table decorations. Here I created a blue theme. I absolutely love creating a relaxing and welcoming ambiance, an oasis of tranquility and beauty!
(6) I am a worshipper, eventhough it appears on number six on this list, it is actually my number ONE priority of importance in life, the crowning glory - Intimate Worship the dance of eternal Love with the Eternal Lover!
OK, that's all about me for the time being. Now to my six friends.
1. Spirituality and Church
2. Family
3. Education
4. Government and Law
5. Media and Communication
6. Arts and Entertainment
7. Business and Finance
So, thank you Tara for training and coaching women of excellence in the market place!
(my request to you, write more, please!).
Are there any of you who are really feminine and ever so often need a a relaxing breather to exhale? Well, hop over to Rosy at Rosy Inspirations to where the award goes next. I just love that place, thank you for creating this oasis of calm and nurturing!
Next I'd like to honour Mary at "One Perfect Bite" her cuisine is absolutely exquisite, plus she gives recipes. (Mary, I like to mention that you inspired me to set up my own food - cookery blog. Essentially for my kids as I neglected to teach them to speak German properly and I have so many German recipes Angelika's Kochbuch . All I need is time and more time to translate all those recipes into English). Anyway, those of you who have not had a chance to peruse Mary's amazing culinary delights, please visit her blog.
I would also like to honour Rev Deb of Bread Breakers Ministry it's a virtual church in a blog with solid Bible teaching and encouragement.
Oh, I am really feeling kinda cozy pinkilicious romantic and would like some more .... ha!
It all started when a friend came over the other day. Would you believe it, we talked just about all night through, and finally, towards the morning, we decided to watch the movie "Don Juan de Marco" with Johnny Depp, Marlon Brando, and Faye Dunaway.
Aahhhh, a real girly night which very rarely happens to me these days, so it was all a very unexpected relaxing fun night.
Anyway, I decided to look for a video with the movie theme song "Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman" by Bryan Adams (oh, just listen to those lyrics .... !!!). I decided on the following videos. Loads of delicious pink from Faye Dunaway's ever again twirling romantic dress. Unfortunately the long blue introduction by the people who put the YouTube video together is really annoying.
Now that you're feeling all warm and oh so pinky romantic please check out the other beautiful pink happy blog posts listed Beverly’s Pink Saturdaywhich she hosts at "How Sweet The Sound" . So, if you want a big dose of Happy Pink feelings, then visit all these wonderful blogs she has linked from her site.
Does anyone realise just how time consuming it is to build and design a website?? Well, as I am doing a night shift again, I decided to add a pink generation picture, which you can see below.
But let me quickly mention this, there are loads of exciting other beautiful pink happy blog posts listed Beverly’s Pink Saturdaywhich she hosts at "How Sweet The Sound" . So, if you want a big dose of Happy Pink feelings, then visit all these wonderful blogs she has linked from her site.
Back to the generation pic. I have decided to dedicate the website (Journey of Intimacy) to my two beautiful daughters, and other women in my age group and theirs.
I made this collage of us three, Charis and my new daughter, Rose who was welcomed to the family because my son was smart enough to marry her, and myself in 1979. On that photo I was actually the very same age as my daughter Charis.
I am just so amazed about the difference that women were back then to nowadays. Here I see my two beautiful daughters, who are totally competent and confident professional career women. They don't 'need' men, but are with them out of choice. Of course my example is just mine, however, I just wonder how many other women of these age groups like mine and my daughters would be similar. I'd love to hear your stories, please.
Wishing you all a wonderful pinkilicious Saturday!
It has been a month ago since my last post. Somehow my days are not long enough to cram everything in.
Since April this year, I have been in a tug of war mentally and emotionally ... of course labelling it spiritually ... about moving to Sydney to join my son and his lovely new wife. I guess I was hoping God to somehow give me a thunderbolt message with the proverbial 'Monty Python' pointing hand and finger, and the sky ablaze with the words, "GO YE!" .... hey, I made enough mistakes for everyone who happens to read this and smiles, I just want to have nothing but God's will in my life.
Certainly, I do not advise others to go through all these contortions of wishing, dreaming and hoping and yet in the same breath pushing it all out of my mind, just in case it's not God's will. What I would say is, rest in Him and He will guide you for sure ... listen to the still small voice, or even His 'voice' coming though a package least expected. Just relax and let God be God. His will be done.
Now would I take my own advice?????
Anyway, I am taking a big bold step: I am embracing the first conceptual 'toes-into-the-water' towards moving from London, UK to Sydney.
Well, I thought, why not add a pink 'Opera House' for this exciting new direction, and post it in Beverly’s Pink Saturday which she hosts at "How Sweet The Sound" . Please do make sure that you read all the other wonderful contributions!
This is clearly not a picture I have taken. Here's the original.
So, here you have it. There appear an unbelievable and insurmountable amount of obstacles, especially concerning the immigration into Australia. But God will provide a way, where there seemingly is no way.
The two videos I am presenting are actually *one*, I mean the second one is the continuation of the first. Most people know this deep worship piece, but I am asking you to just close your eyes and allow His presence to permeate you afresh in this very anointed song, joining in with the Holy Holy Holy chorus.
I was pondering on this seemingly silly idea of celebrating "Pink Saturday". But I find it is chosing to see life through pinky rose coloured glasses quite literally, without needing the glasses.
Think about it, when someone is "seeing the world through pink rose-tinted glasses," it tends to mean that they look on the bright side of life and are generally a happy, friendly, and cheerful person. Or as I like to put it for myself: I like to look and search for reasons to smile even in the worst situations. I guess that means first and foremost that with an attitude of gratitude, there is always something positive to learn in any situation.
So, going back to this "Pink Saturday" it is a reminder to at least once a week we look for something pink ... some reason to smile, and then spread that smile. It's finding something quite literally *pink* but still holding onto the metaphor.
As you know the iconic London busses are red. Here is a really, really old one painted pink at London's famous Piccadilly Circus.
The modern busses do not have an opening at the back where people can get on or off when they please. Shame really. I know it's done for safety reasons, but none the less, it was great when you reached your destination, and due to traffic congestions, or traffic lights you could just get off, rather than having to walk back from the bus stop.
Likewise, you were able to hop on. They used to have a 'conductor' who collected your money for the fare and gave you a paper ticket from a dispenser hung around his/her neck.
Sorry, this pic is not from the pink bus, but of a then typical red bus.
Well, to all of you who do not live in London, come and visit the place, even when it is drizzly, grey cold and weather-wise miserable ... if you catch a sunny day, London is really spectacular!
There is so much to see and experience beyond the tourist spots. You may even find a pink bus or a pink taxi!!
Again, lots of love, light, warmth, blessings and wonderful fuzzy pink thoughts to you all,
Hello Friends, as I am joining in this beautiful Meme "Then Sings My Soul Saturday", hosted by Amy at "Signs, Miracles & Wonders" today I want you to saturate yourself in God's love for you!
He is always for us, even in our weakest moments, with an everlasting love!
I have been ( and still am) soooooo busy these days, plus recently been away for conferences and seminars, so here I am back with my contribution as I am joining Beverly’s Pink Saturday which she hosts at "How Sweet The Sound"
I decided on something fun, plus greetings from London, UK. We are struggling here to have a *summer* with the weather being below or just around 20'C (at times) with plenty of rain, grey skies and winds. So, grabbing a fun smily pink moment is a must for me.
Love, light, warmth and wonderful fuzzy pink thoughts to you all,
Hello Friends, I decided to share with you some relaxing, meditative worship by Kimberly & Alberto Rivera with Ruth Fazal on violin for today's Meme "Then Sings My Soul Saturday", hosted by Amy at "Signs, Miracles & Wonders"
I am adding three YouTube videos simply because they belong together.
Wishing you all a deeply joyous, blessed and peaceful Saturday in His presence!
My daughter and friends went for a picnic at Kew Gardens and I thought I would add some pinky pink highlights, not just from the picnic but also from a very interesting exhibition of glass art within the horticultural delights. After you enjoyed the fun photos below, I would encourage you to click on the Kew Gardens link, as it's a really fascinating place, not only in its stunning beauty but also from a scientific and historical viewpoint.
Because it was a picnic, I just had to also add my daughters funky pink socks, ah oh well, apologies to the young lady in advance, this is just what mums do ..... (smile) .... and of course there are always some birds looking for food crumbs ....
The glass sculptures were only a temporary art exhibition feature. Click on the pictures to see them full size.
Wishing you a rosy pink Saturday with an opportunity to look for smiles in any situation,
Hello Friends, just thought to remind us all that we are always on His mind through this beautiful Meme "Then Sings My Soul Saturday", hosted by Amy at "Signs, Miracles & Wonders"
I am adding here "Always on His Mind" with Misty Edwards.
Wishing you all a very joyous, blessed and loved-up Saturday!
Here are the Lyrics:
Lord, I will seek You
On my bed, think upon You
In the day, I'll dream of You
You're always on my mind
With my whole heart I'll love You
With my mind and my strength too
Waste my life searching for You
You're always on my mind
Though I'm poor and needy, the Lord thinks upon me
Though His name is Holy, I'm always on His mind - I'm always on His mind
Though I'm weak and lowly, the Lord thinks about me
Though He's high and lofty, I'm always on His mind - I'm always on His mind
I'm in love with god
God's in love with me
Hey - Yeah (repeat)
How far will You let me go? How abandoned will You let me be? (repeat)
The other day I was sat on my tiny little balcony enjoying the mellow warm evening. Then I noticed those spectacular evening clouds, so I quickly grabbed my camera from where I was sat ... and my fading pink rose got into it.
So, I then stood up to take the other ones. There is something about summery sunset evening skies, quite charming. (Click on the pics to enlarge them).
Wishing you a rosy pink Saturday with an opportunity to look for smiles in any situation,
Hello Friends, it's time to declare how much He loves us through this beautiful Meme "Then Sings My Soul Saturday", hosted by Amy at "Signs, Miracles & Wonders"
I am adding here "How He Loves Us" with Kim Walker recorded live at a Jesus Culture Conference in Redding, CA.
Wishing you all a very joyous, blessed and loved-up Saturday!
Here are the Lyrics:
He is jealous for me
Love's like a hurricane, I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy
When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory
and I realize just how beautiful You are and how great your affections are for me.
Oh, how He loves us so
Oh, how He loves us
How He loves us so.
Yeah, He loves us
Woah, how He loves us
Woah, how He loves us
Woah, how He loves.
So we are His portion and He is our prize,
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes
If grace is an ocean we're all sinking
So heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss and my heart turns violently inside of my chest
I don't have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way
That he loves us,
Woah, how He loves us
Woah, how He loves us
Woah, how He loves
He loves us,
Woah, how He loves us
Woah, how He loves us
Woah, how He loves